Labels:bulletin board | dialog box | sky | window OCR: Scoring The object of the game is to arrange the tiles on the game board such that boxes of the same pattern line up in three -box sequences sequence may be formed horizontally. Yertically or diagonally One point is pepuee for each sequence formed possible to place tile such that a sequence of more thanl three boxes fomed In this case one point is awardedr I for each separable sequence of three boxes For example, four-box sequence would be worth two points and t five- --box sequence would be worth three points IS also possible tc place tile such "hat more than one three xoq- sequence is formed Once again, one point is awarded for each individua I three- -box sequence Overview Plau Scoring Credits tofthe patterr rizontally vertically sequ uence seauence poin eact able Jence juence Overvlew ...